Buy & Rent Property in Swaziland

March 21, 2018

Swaziland: King claims parts of South Africa

The Sunday Observer, one of the autocratic King Mswati IIIā€™s of Swaziland newspaper, is pressing for action by the kingdom to claim some parts, inclusive of the capital Pretoria, of South Africa. According to the newspaper, some Swazis believe that this should be the appropriate time to demand back the land said to have been lost to South Africa during the colonial era. The Observer sparked a...

Swaziland: a woe-tale in Swaziā€™s budget

The national budgetā€™s revelation of the Swaziland economy being unable to cover for its spending has risen some other factors. For instance, freezing of government job recruitment, a 1% increase on Value Added Tax, freezing of 60+ aged peopleā€™s pension and even compelling local pension and insurance companies to invest more than 50% of their holdings within the country. The pressure on the economy...

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