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African urban growth is expected to be massive

African urban growth is expected to be massive

Real estate sector in Africa has been experimenting an impressive growth. On average, 10,000 accommodations miss each year in most of these countries, and despite some governmental endeavors, the shortfall is still important. According to several studies, African population is going to increase over threefold during the next 40 years. This demographic growth will inevitably […]

A quick overview of the economy in Swaziland

A quick overview of the economy in Swaziland

Swaziland experimented a growth rate of 0,3% in 2017 and is going to face serious challenges in the futur with an estimated growth of 1,3% in 2018 and 2% in 2019. Other key indicators of the economy for 2017: 34 billions of GDP; Gross national saving equal to 11.1% of GDP; Inflation rate equal to […]

Swaziland: A travel guide of Mbabane

Swaziland: A travel guide of Mbabane

Mbabane is both the capital and the largest city of Swaziland. It is located in the district of Hhohho, lying on Mbabane River and its Polinjane River tributary in the Mdzimba Mountains. Mbabane is estimated to have a population of 94, 874 people. Mbabane City derived its name from a Chief, Mbabane Kunene, who lived […]

Swaziland: King claims parts of South Africa

Swaziland: King claims parts of South Africa

The Sunday Observer, one of the autocratic King Mswati III’s of Swaziland newspaper, is pressing for action by the kingdom to claim some parts, inclusive of the capital Pretoria, of South Africa. According to the newspaper, some Swazis believe that this should be the appropriate time to demand back the land said to have been […]

Swaziland: a woe-tale in Swazi’s budget

Swaziland: a woe-tale in Swazi’s budget

The national budget’s revelation of the Swaziland economy being unable to cover for its spending has risen some other factors. For instance, freezing of government job recruitment, a 1% increase on Value Added Tax, freezing of 60+ aged people’s pension and even compelling local pension and insurance companies to invest more than 50% of their […]

Swaziland’s low institutional and economic strengths reflected in the B2 negative credit rating by Moody

Swaziland’s low institutional and economic strengths reflected in the B2 negative credit rating by Moody

Moody Investor Solutions ranked Swaziland with a B2 negative credit profile in its latest annual report. The negative credit portrays Swaziland’s low strengths in economic and institutional capacity sectors. However, a relatively strong affordability of external debts and low debts margins balance to the two lows. According to Moody’s Vice President and Senior Analyst, Zuzana […]

Living as an Expat in Mbabane, Swaziland

Living as an Expat in Mbabane, Swaziland

Mbabane has less than 100,000 people, and it is the capital city of Swaziland. Expats who live in Swaziland recognize the beautiful sceneries of the monarchy. Swaziland is a landlocked country that gets foreign goods from South Africa and Mozambique. 26 % of people aged between 15 and 49 are HIV positive in Swaziland. Therefore, […]

Eteni, Matsapha Overhead Bridge Pose Threat to 20,000 Pedestrians

Eteni, Matsapha Overhead Bridge Pose Threat to 20,000 Pedestrians

Many pedestrians walk across Eteni, Matsapha overhead bridge without considering the current state of the structure. Over 20,000 pedestrians who use the structure are in a hurry to cross over the other side and get to work. While cars pass beneath, many people never notice the way the bridge behaves. That is not Swaziland that […]